The Romanian Noun (Substantivul) | Learn Romanian Grammar Lessons

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One of the most requested types of videos here at Romanian Hub are grammar lessons. So, with this article, I’m starting a new series which will look in great detail at all the aspects of Romanian grammar.

Hai să începem. Let’s start.

The Romanian Noun (Substantivul)

Romanian nouns are categorized into three genders (trei genuri): masculine (masculin), feminine (feminin), and neuter (neutru).

Nouns which end in a consonant (like om – man) or the vowel “-u” (like bou – ox) are mostly masculine. A plural masculine noun (substantiv masculin la plural) usually ends in “-i” (like copaci – trees).

Feminine nouns usually end in “-ă” or “a” (like bunică – grandmother or cafea – coffee). A plural feminine noun (substantiv feminin la plural) usually ends in “-e” (like mere – apples).

Neuter nouns behave like the masculine in the singular and the feminine in the plural. So, neuter nouns can end in “-u” (like cadou – gift) or end in “-e” (like zâmbete – smiles).

Let’s look at some examples:

Singular masculine noun (substantiv masculin la singular):

copac = tree

Cel mai mare copac se află pe vârful dealului.
The biggest tree is (located) on top of the hill.

Plural masculine noun (substantiv masculin la plural):

Copaci = trees

Bunica are trei copaci în curte.
The grandmother has three trees in the yard.

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Singular feminine noun (substantiv feminin la singular):

carte = book

Am împrumutat o carte nouă de la biliotecă.
I borrowed a new book from the library.

Plural feminine noun (substantiv feminin la plural):

cărți = books

El are o biliotecă cu multe cărți despre istorie.
He has a library with many books about history.

Neuter noun – behaving like masculine (substantiv neutru – forma masculină):

cadou = gift

Am uitat să cumpăr un cadou de ziua ei.
I forgot to buy a gift on her birthday.

Neuter noun – behaving like feminine (substantiv neutru – forma feminină):

cadouri = gifts

Copiii au primit multe cadouri de Crăciun.
The children received many gifts on Christmas.


And that’s the end of another Romanian Language Lesson. Now it’s your turn. Make a sentence with one of the target words and post it in the comments section below.

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Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan