12 Quotes from “12 Rules for Life” | 50 Interesting Facts About Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B. Peterson is a renowned Canadian psychologist and former professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He is known for his thought-provoking views on culture, religion, and personal development, which have sparked a wide range of reactions. His bestselling book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”, has been influential worldwide.


Top 12 Quotes from “12 Rules for Life” from Peterson’s book and their meaning

1. Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back

“Standing up straight with your shoulders back is something that is not only physical, because you’re not only a body, you’re a spirit so to speak, a psyche as well. Standing up physically also implies and invokes and demands standing up metaphysically. Standing up means voluntarily accepting the burden of being.

Meaning: This is about facing the world with courage and confidence.

2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

Strengthen the individual. Start with yourself. Take care with yourself. Define who you are. Refine your personality. Choose your destination and articulate your being.”

Meaning: We must first care for ourselves before we can effectively care for others.

3. Make friends with people who want the best for you

People create their worlds with the tools they have directly at hand. Faulty tools produce faulty results. Repeated use of the same faulty tools produces the same faulty results.

Meaning: Your social surroundings can shape your path in life.

 4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today

What you aim at determines what you see.

Meaning: Personal growth comes from self-improvement, not by comparing ourselves with others.

5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Clear rules make for secure children and calm rational parents. Clear principles of discipline and punishment balance mercy and justice so that social development and psychological maturity can be optimally promoted.”

Meaning: This suggests maintaining a balance in parenting, guiding children to behavior that is mutually respectful.

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6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

“People who experience evil may certainly desire to perpetuate it, to pay it forward. But it is also plausible to learn good by experiencing evil. A bullied boy can mimic his tormentors, but he can also learn from his own abuse that it is wrong to push people around and make their lives miserable.”

Meaning: We must first address our personal issues before judging or attempting to change the world.

7. Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).

“What’s the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful? The successful sacrifice. Things get better as the successful practice their sacrifices.”

Meaning: The meaningful path often requires more effort but is ultimately more rewarding.

8. Tell the truth—or, at least, don’t lie.

“It is our responsibility to see what is before our eyes courageously, and to learn from it even if it seems horrible, even if the horror of seeing it damages our consciousness and half blinds us. The act of seeing is particularly important when it challenges what we know and rely on, upsetting and destabilizing us.”

Meaning: Honesty is a fundamental principle for a healthy life.

9. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.

You remember the past, not so it is accurately recorded but so that you are prepared for the future.”

Meaning: This rule encourages humility and the willingness to learn from others.

10. Be precise in your speech.

…even what is terrible in actuality often pales in significance compared to what is terrible in imagination. And often what cannot be confronted because of its horror in imagination can in fact be confronted when reduced to its still-admittedly-terrible-actuality.”

Meaning: Clear communication can prevent unnecessary problems.

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

When someone claims to be acting from the highest principles for the good of others there is no reason to assume that the person’s motives are genuine. People motivated to make things better usually aren’t concerned with changing other people or if they are they take responsibility for making the same changes to themselves (and first.)”

Meaning: This suggests that taking risks and learning from mistakes is a vital part of growth.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.

“When you love someone it’s not despite their limitations, it’s because of their limitations.”

Meaning: This is about finding and appreciating small moments of happiness and beauty in life, especially when facing hardships.

Now listen to the audio version of these quotes:

50 Facts About about the life, work, and message of Jordan B. Peterson

  1. Peterson was born on June 12, 1962, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  2. He grew up in the small town of Fairview, Alberta.
  3. His mother was a librarian, and his father was a school teacher.
  4. He initially wanted to be a writer, which he pursued before moving into psychology.
  5. Peterson earned his B.A. in political science from the University of Alberta in 1982.
  6. He obtained his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from McGill University in 1991.
  7. Peterson worked at Harvard University as an assistant and then associate professor before moving back to Canada.
  8. His main areas of study are abnormal, social, and personality psychology.
  9. He has a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief.
  10. Peterson is influenced by the works of Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among others.
  11. His first book, “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief”, took him over a decade to write.
  12. “Maps of Meaning” combines psychology, history, philosophy, and mythology to explore how beliefs shape individuals and societies.
  13. Peterson gained widespread popularity for his YouTube channel, where he posts lectures and discussions.
  14. He came into global limelight due to his vocal opposition to Canada’s Bill C-16, which he believed could infringe upon free speech.
  15. His lectures and discussions cover a wide range of topics from personal development to cultural and political issues.
  16. His second book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”, was published in 2018 and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
  17. The “12 Rules for Life” offers practical principles on how to navigate through life’s chaos.
  18. Peterson is an advocate of individualism over identity politics.
  19. He often critiques political correctness, postmodernism, and certain aspects of feminist thought.
  20. He emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the dangers of victimhood culture.

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  21. Peterson believes in the vital role of free speech in democratic societies.
  22. Despite being a clinical psychologist, his work extends into areas like philosophy, theology, and social commentary.
  23. He has often expressed the importance of mythology and archetypal narratives for understanding human nature.
  24. Peterson launched an online program called “Self Authoring”, which helps individuals write about their past, present, and future.
  25. He has appeared on numerous podcasts and talk shows, including Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, and Sam Harris.
  26. Peterson’s work is often debated, making him a polarizing figure in both academia and public discourse.
  27. Despite facing criticism, Peterson’s ideas have resonated with many who find value in his emphasis on individual responsibility and meaning.
  28. Peterson fell seriously ill in 2019 due to complications from a physical dependency on a prescribed medication, clonazepam.
  29. His illness led to a hiatus from public life, but he made a comeback with his third book “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life” in 2021.
  30. In his books, Peterson frequently references classic literature, ancient myths, religious texts, and psychological theory.
  31. He argues that suffering is an intrinsic part of human existence and that people should strive to find meaning rather than happiness.
  32. Peterson is an ardent critic of ideologies that he views as oversimplified and dangerous, such as Marxism and Fascism.
  33. His lectures on the Bible have received millions of views, demonstrating his ability to bridge the gap between religion and psychology.
  34. Peterson’s self-help advice often uses lobsters as a metaphor, referencing their dominance hierarchy to illustrate human social behavior.
  35. He is a proponent of the concept of “enforced monogamy” as a societal structure, which has stirred considerable controversy.
  36. Peterson has been invited to speak at various prestigious forums, including the Oxford Union.
  37. He has argued that gender and sex are not constructs but biologically determined, leading to heated debates.
  38. Peterson’s popularity surged when he began uploading his university lectures online, showing the demand for academic content on digital platforms.
  39. He has been described as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, despite the polarized views about his ideas.
  40. Peterson uses Patreon for crowdfunding support, highlighting the digital shift in how intellectuals and creators are funded.

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  41. He has also developed the “Understand Myself” program, a personality assessment tool based on the Big Five personality model.
  42. Peterson encourages people to clean their rooms, seeing it as a first step towards establishing order in one’s life.
  43. He has been married to his wife Tammy Roberts since 1989, and they have two children.
  44. Despite being a psychologist, Peterson often engages in debates on political and social issues.
  45. He has a strong presence on social media platforms, including Twitter, where he actively engages with his audience.
  46. His work has sparked numerous discussions about free speech, political correctness, and the role of academia in public life.
  47. Peterson has openly talked about his struggles with depression, providing a perspective on mental health.
  48. He encourages open, honest dialogue, and critical thinking as essential tools for personal and societal development.
  49. Peterson’s work has been translated into multiple languages, indicating his global impact.
  50. Despite facing severe health issues, Peterson has continued his work, underlining his dedication to his beliefs and teachings.

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25 Facts About “12 Rules for Life”by Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a renowned clinical psychologist and cultural critic, grabbed the spotlight with his insightful book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.” Going beyond the average self-help guide, this book fuses psychology, mythology, and hard-won life lessons to offer readers a roadmap to navigate the chaos of life.

Whether you’re a dedicated follower of Peterson’s work or a newcomer curious about his philosophy, here are 25 interesting facts about “12 Rules for Life” that might pique your interest:

  1. Inspiration from Quora: Peterson began formulating the book’s ideas by answering a question on Quora: “What are the most valuable things everyone should know?”
  2. 12 Rules, Thousands of Years: The rules discussed in the book are distilled from wisdom spanning thousands of years, drawing from ancient myths, religion, and philosophy.
  3. Bestseller Status: Shortly after its release, “12 Rules for Life” became an international bestseller, with millions of copies sold worldwide.
  4. Controversy Magnet: The book has both been lauded for its insights and criticized for its views. Peterson’s ideas sparked widespread debates in media and academic circles.
  5. Lobster Hierarchy: One of the most talked-about facts from the book is the comparison between human societal structures and lobster hierarchies, emphasizing the importance of posture and serotonin.
  6. Illustrated Edition: The book contains unique illustrations by Ethan Van Sciver, a renowned comic book artist.
  7. More Than Psychology: Peterson integrates theology, mythology, and evolutionary biology to drive home his points, making it a multi-disciplinary work.
  8. Bible References: The book heavily references biblical stories, analyzing them from a psychological and philosophical perspective.
  9. Sold in Over 50 Countries: “12 Rules for Life” has been translated into multiple languages, reflecting its global appeal.
  10. Live Lectures: Peterson followed the book’s success with a worldwide lecture tour, expanding on the book’s ideas in front of live audiences.
  11. Rule Addition: Although there are 12 rules in the book, Peterson has occasionally mentioned other potential rules in interviews and lectures.
  12. Rule #1’s Popularity: The first rule, “Stand up straight with your shoulders back,” became especially popular, inspiring many discussions about personal responsibility and self-worth.
  13. Audio Book Version: Peterson himself narrates the audiobook version, adding a personal touch to the listener’s experience.
  14. Multiple Editions: The book has several editions, including special versions with additional content and forwards.
  15. Peterson’s Personal Stories: Throughout the book, Peterson intertwines personal anecdotes and experiences, giving the rules a human touch.
  16. Yin and Yang: Peterson frequently uses the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang to explain the balance of chaos and order.
  17. Critiques of Ideologies: The book doesn’t shy away from critiquing various ideologies, from radical leftist views to extreme right perspectives.
  18. Depth of Footnotes: “12 Rules for Life” contains a myriad of footnotes that delve deeper into the sources and additional explanations, providing a richer understanding.
  19. Impact on Pop Culture: References and discussions about the book have appeared in TV shows, podcasts, and other media, indicating its cultural impact.
  20. Follow-Up Book: Following its success, Peterson wrote “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life,” which delves into the antidote to too much order.
  21. Connection to Past Work: Many ideas in “12 Rules for Life” can be traced back to Peterson’s previous book, “Maps of Meaning.”
  22. Universality: While some rules are heavily grounded in Western traditions, Peterson ensures they have universal applicability, transcending cultural boundaries.
  23. Influence on Self-Help: The book revitalized the self-help genre by combining academic rigor with accessible advice.
  24. Challenge to Readers: Beyond the rules, Peterson challenges readers to take responsibility for their actions and confront their own shadows.
  25. Broad Demographic Appeal: Despite being rooted in academia, the book has found appeal across various age groups and backgrounds, showcasing its relevance and reach.

“12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson is more than just a book; it’s a cultural phenomenon that delves into the fabric of human existence. From surprising origins to its deep societal impact, this piece of literature continues to inspire, challenge, and engage minds across the globe. Whether you agree with all of its points or not, it undeniably offers a rich tapestry of thought-provoking insights.

25 Facts About “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson

The intellectual voyage of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson took another evolutionary leap with his sequel, “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.” Serving as a counterpoint to its predecessor’s exploration of chaos, this sequel dives deep into the perils and promises of order in human lives. Drawing again from a rich tapestry of psychology, religion, mythology, and personal experience, Peterson offers readers fresh insights into navigating life’s complexities.

Whether you’ve immersed yourself in its pages or are merely curious about the buzz, here are 25 intriguing facts about “Beyond Order.

  1. Balancing the Scale: While “12 Rules for Life” focused on chaos, “Beyond Order” emphasizes the value and dangers of excessive order, aiming to bring balance to the two.
  2. Rule Genesis: Peterson created these new rules in response to the positive feedback from the first book and his desire to address other aspects of life he felt were crucial.
  3. Four Part Structure: The book is divided into four parts, each focusing on distinct thematic areas.
  4. Intimate Revelations: Peterson shares personal stories, including his own struggles with health and depression, making it a deeply personal work.
  5. Jung’s Influence: The influence of Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, is palpable throughout, especially in discussions about archetypes and the shadow.
  6. Mythical Narratives: Peterson continues his tradition of utilizing ancient myths to elucidate modern dilemmas.
  7. Strong Reception: “Beyond Order” also became an international bestseller, underscoring Peterson’s continued influence in intellectual and popular culture.
  8. Visual Aids: The book includes illustrations to complement its rules, further enriching the reader’s journey.
  9. Continued Controversy: “Beyond Order” sparked its share of debates and controversies, similar to its predecessor.
  10. Critiques of Modernity: Peterson delves deep into the challenges of modern society, particularly concerning nihilism and meaninglessness.
  11. Literary Depth: Peterson draws from a wide range of literary sources, including Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and Tolstoy.
  12. Existential Tone: The book frequently touches on existential themes, exploring the human quest for meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe.
  13. Variety of Reviews: The book has been reviewed by a range of figures, from fellow academics to popular YouTubers.
  14. Global Tours: Following its release, Peterson embarked on another lecture tour, presenting his new rules to audiences worldwide.
  15. Rule Evolution: Some of the rules in “Beyond Order” are more intricate and delve deeper into philosophical terrain than those in the first book.
  16. Cultural References: Peterson doesn’t shy away from addressing modern pop culture, drawing parallels and critiques where he sees fit.
  17. Continuation: While it stands alone, “Beyond Order” is best understood as a continuation of the ideas laid out in “12 Rules for Life.”
  18. Deep Dive into Art: Peterson intricately discusses the importance of art in imparting wisdom and understanding.
  19. A Family Affair: Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila Peterson, has played an instrumental role in promoting and discussing the book, especially on her podcast.
  20. Chapters on Children: Peterson delves into child-rearing, offering advice based on his own experiences as a father and a psychologist.
  21. Complex Morality: The book often discusses the nuances of moral choices, pushing readers to reflect on their own ethical compasses.
  22. Academic Rigor: “Beyond Order” is a dense work, merging academic rigor with accessibility, much like Peterson’s earlier writings.
  23. Celebrated and Criticized: The book has been both celebrated for its insights and criticized for its stances, often igniting fervent debates.
  24. Addressing Critics: Peterson addresses some criticisms and misconceptions levied against him, providing clarity on his viewpoints.
  25. A Work in Time: “Beyond Order” reflects on the times, addressing societal issues and shifts that have arisen in the recent years, making it a timely work.

“Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life” is not just a sequel but an evolution of Jordan Peterson’s philosophical and psychological explorations. Packed with layers of insights, personal stories, and academic depth, it serves as a testament to Peterson’s commitment to understanding the human condition. As with any work of its caliber, it beckons readers to reflect, question, and find meaning amidst the complexities of life.

25 Facts About “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” by Jordan Peterson

Before Jordan Peterson’s meteoric rise with “12 Rules for Life” and “Beyond Order,” there was “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief.” This foundational text, which delves deep into the patterns of stories and symbols that have shaped human cultures, showcases Peterson’s early efforts to explore the intricacies of belief, myth, and narrative. A dense, scholarly work, “Maps of Meaning” has provided intellectual fodder for academics and enthusiasts alike.

Let’s embark on a journey to uncover 25 intriguing facets about this cornerstone of Peterson’s oeuvre.

  1. Decades in the Making: Peterson took over 13 years to write “Maps of Meaning,” reflecting its depth and comprehensiveness.
  2. A Foundational Work: While many know Peterson through his more recent books, his ideas in those stem significantly from “Maps of Meaning.”
  3. Academic Origins: The book originated from Peterson’s studies and research during his time at Harvard as an assistant professor.
  4. Diverse Inspirations: It draws from various disciplines like psychology, religion, neuroscience, and even literature.
  5. Mythology at the Core: Peterson uses myths from various cultures, from ancient Egypt to indigenous tribes, to explore universal themes and archetypes.
  6. Influence of Jung: Carl Jung’s ideas on the collective unconscious and archetypes are prominently featured and expanded upon.
  7. The Dragon Metaphor: The motif of the dragon, representing the chaos that confronts order, recurs throughout.
  8. Lecture Series: Peterson developed a popular lecture series based on the book, which has been taught for several years at the University of Toronto.
  9. Deep Exploration of Symbols: “Maps of Meaning” intricately examines symbols, deciphering how they resonate across cultures and epochs.
  10. Soviet Insights: Peterson’s personal experiences with the Cold War and his studies on the Soviet system influenced the book’s themes on totalitarianism.
  11. Nazi Ideology: Alongside Soviet critiques, the book dives deep into the psychological foundations of Nazi Germany.
  12. Clinical Implications: Peterson relates the book’s themes to clinical psychology, especially the therapeutic process.
  13. A Labyrinth of Ideas: The book is often considered challenging due to its depth, with intertwined narratives and analytical breakdowns.
  14. Reference Source: “Maps of Meaning” has been cited in numerous academic papers and studies.
  15. The Importance of Ritual: The book delves into rituals and their psychological and social significance.
  16. Link to TV Series: A 13-part TV series was developed, based on Peterson’s lectures on the book, and was broadcasted on TVOntario.
  17. Early Indications: Many arguments and themes in “12 Rules for Life” and “Beyond Order” can be traced back to foundational ideas in “Maps of Meaning.”
  18. First Major Publication: This was Peterson’s first major book publication, setting the stage for his later works.
  19. Illustrations: “Maps of Meaning” contains a number of original diagrams and figures crafted by Peterson to elucidate his concepts.
  20. Discussion of Religion: Peterson critiques and explores various religious beliefs, analyzing their psychological underpinnings.
  21. Narrative Structures: The book studies how narrative structures shape human perception and values.
  22. Basis for Future Courses: Concepts from “Maps of Meaning” became foundational for various courses taught by Peterson.
  23. Exploration of Evil: Peterson grapples with the concept of evil, especially in ideological possession.
  24. Expanding on Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: Philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and writers like Fyodor Dostoevsky play significant roles in the book’s narrative.
  25. Endorsements and Praises: Despite its challenging nature, the book has received endorsements from prominent figures in psychology and humanities.

“Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” is an exploration into the intricate web of stories, symbols, and beliefs that shape the human experience. It offers readers a profound look into the structures that underpin our worldviews. For anyone keen on understanding the bedrock of Jordan Peterson’s philosophy, this book is an indispensable resource.

25 Facts About the Life and Work of Mikhaila Peterson

Mikhaila Peterson has carved a niche for herself in the realm of health, diet, and lifestyle, often courting both admiration and controversy. Known primarily as the daughter of renowned psychologist and author Jordan Peterson, Mikhaila has established a unique identity through her advocacy, personal health journey, and online presence.

From her struggles with autoimmune disorders to her ventures into podcasting, here are 25 facts about Mikhaila Peterson:

  1. Early Health Struggles: Mikhaila had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child and underwent multiple joint replacements as a teenager.
  2. The “Lion Diet”: Mikhaila is known for promoting an all-beef diet, dubbing it the “Lion Diet,” which she credits for alleviating her health issues.
  3. Personal Testimony: Much of her dietary advocacy is based on personal experience rather than formal nutritional training.
  4. Prominent Online Presence: Mikhaila has a considerable following on social media platforms, including Instagram and YouTube, where she shares health tips and personal stories.
  5. The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast: She hosts her podcast where she interviews a wide array of guests, from doctors to celebrities.
  6. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Mikhaila started an online consultation business where she offers dietary and lifestyle advice.
  7. University Education: She attended Ryerson University, studying Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
  8. Not Without Controversy: Her dietary recommendations have sparked debates among nutritionists and health professionals.
  9. Close Bond with Jordan: Mikhaila shares a close relationship with her father, often discussing their joint dietary and health journeys.
  10. Public Family Struggles: She has been open about her family’s challenges, including Jordan Peterson’s health issues and recovery.
  11. Frequent Media Appearances: Mikhaila has appeared on numerous media platforms and podcasts, discussing her health journey and perspectives.
  12. Support for Carnivore Diet: She’s among the prominent figures advocating for a carnivore diet, a meat-only regimen.
  13. Residence: As of 2021, Mikhaila resides in Belgrade, Serbia, having moved from Canada.
  14. Family: Mikhaila is married to Andrey Korikov, and they have a daughter together.
  15. Battles with Depression: Apart from physical ailments, Mikhaila has been open about her struggles with depression, which she also claims the “Lion Diet” helped alleviate.
  16. Public Speaking: Mikhaila has taken to the stage at various events to discuss health, diet, and her personal journey.
  17. Published Writing: While not having a book to her name as of 2021, she has penned articles and blog posts detailing her experiences and insights.
  18. Openness to Criticism: Mikhaila often addresses criticisms and questions about her dietary approach in her content.
  19. Collaborations: She has collaborated with other dietary and health influencers on various projects and discussions.
  20. Behind the Scenes: Mikhaila played a pivotal role in managing aspects of her father’s professional endeavors, especially during his health crisis.
  21. Skeptics and Supporters: The online community has both skeptics and staunch supporters of Mikhaila’s dietary recommendations.
  22. Advocate for Experimentation: She frequently emphasizes personal experimentation to find what works individually for health and well-being.
  23. Documenting Her Journey: Mikhaila has been documenting her health journey since 2015, offering a timeline of her experiences and transformations.
  24. A Voice for Autoimmune Disorders: Beyond diet, Mikhaila discusses living with autoimmune disorders, bringing attention to these often debilitating conditions.
  25. Expanding Horizons: While initially focused on diet, Mikhaila’s online content has been diversifying, delving into broader life advice, interviews, and more holistic discussions on health.

Mikhaila Peterson’s journey, marked by significant health challenges and personal discovery, has made her a notable figure in the realms of diet and lifestyle. Her advocacy, based primarily on personal experience, emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility and experimentation in the quest for better health. Whether you agree with her dietary prescriptions or not, her story offers a testament to resilience, exploration, and the ongoing quest for well-being.

25 Interesting Facts About the “Self Authoring” Program by Jordan Peterson

The “Self Authoring” program, conceptualized by Dr. Jordan Peterson in collaboration with his colleagues, is a suite of online writing exercises designed to help individuals delve into their past, present, and future. By reflecting on their experiences, aspirations, and personal narratives, participants gain insights to better navigate their lives. The program’s approach, rooted in psychological research, has caught the attention of thousands worldwide.

Here are 25 intriguing facts about “Self Authoring.”

  1. Four-Part Structure: The program is divided into four parts: Past, Present, Virtues, Present, Faults, and Future.
  2. Years in the Making: The program distills decades of research on narrative psychology and self-improvement.
  3. Worldwide Reach: Since its launch, “Self Authoring” has been used by individuals in over 85 countries.
  4. Academic Application: The program has been integrated into some university courses to improve student performance and well-being.
  5. Decrease in Dropout Rates: One study found that using the Future Authoring module led to a 25% decrease in university dropout rates among participants.
  6. Gender Gap Bridging: The same study observed that the academic performance gender gap between male and female students decreased after implementing “Self Authoring.”
  7. Rooted in Psychology: The program draws heavily from Carl Jung’s ideas, especially the concept of integrating one’s shadow.
  8. Positive Outcomes: Many users report improved mental clarity, reduced anxiety, and a better sense of direction after completing the exercises.
  9. Affordability: One of the goals of “Self Authoring” is to make psychological tools accessible and affordable to the masses.
  10. Not Therapy: While therapeutic, the program is designed as a self-help tool and not a replacement for professional therapy.
  11. Broad Applications: Beyond students, the program has been used by professionals, retirees, and individuals undergoing transitional life phases.
  12. Continuous Improvement: The program has seen periodic updates and refinements based on user feedback and new research findings.
  13. Endorsements: Numerous psychologists, educators, and clinicians have endorsed “Self Authoring” for its effectiveness.
  14. Personal Narratives: Central to the program is the idea that revisiting and restructuring one’s personal narrative can lead to better mental health and life outcomes.
  15. Co-Creators: While Jordan Peterson is the most recognized name behind “Self Authoring,” the program was co-developed with Dr. Daniel M. Higgins and Dr. Robert O. Pihl.
  16. Multiple Languages: The program has been translated into several languages to cater to its global user base.
  17. Duration: Completing the entire suite typically takes users between 4 to 5 hours, spread over several sessions.
  18. Holistic Approach: The program doesn’t just focus on weaknesses; it equally emphasizes strengths, virtues, and positive aspirations.
  19. Research-backed: Several studies have highlighted the program’s effectiveness in improving emotional well-being and goal attainment.
  20. Tech-Forward: The entire “Self Authoring” suite is accessible online, allowing users to work on their exercises from any location.
  21. Adaptable: Users can approach the exercises at their own pace, either sequentially or starting with whichever module resonates the most.
  22. In the Media: “Self Authoring” has been featured in various media outlets, podcasts, and discussions.
  23. Group Discounts: The program offers group discounts, making it accessible for institutions, classrooms, or group therapy sessions.
  24. Personal Growth: Many users have reported significant personal growth, heightened self-awareness, and increased motivation after engaging with the program.
  25. Incorporated in Workshops: Beyond individual use, “Self Authoring” has been incorporated into workshops, retreats, and self-improvement seminars.

The “Self Authoring” program by Dr. Jordan Peterson and his colleagues stands as a testament to the power of reflective writing and personal introspection. By facilitating a structured dive into one’s past, present, and future, the program empowers individuals to craft a more coherent, purposeful life narrative. For those in search of understanding and direction, “Self Authoring” offers a valuable compass.

25 Interesting Facts About the “Understand Myself” Program by Jordan Peterson

“Understand Myself” is an online personality assessment conceptualized by Dr. Jordan Peterson and his team, designed to give individuals in-depth insights into their personalities. The test uses established psychological metrics to offer participants a comprehensive understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and deeper motivations.

For those intrigued by the human psyche, here are 25 fascinating facts about the “Understand Myself” program.

  1. Based on the Big Five: The assessment is grounded in the Big Five personality trait model, which encompasses Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.
  2. Aspects of Personality: Unlike many Big Five tests, “Understand Myself” breaks down each of the five traits into two aspects, offering more detailed insights.
  3. Years of Research: The program is a culmination of multiple years of academic research by Dr. Peterson and his colleagues.
  4. Personal and Professional Use: The test has been utilized by individuals seeking self-knowledge and organizations aiming to understand their employees better.
  5. Global Users: Since its inception, people from all over the world have taken the assessment.
  6. Detailed Report: Test-takers receive a comprehensive report, detailing their percentile ranking for each trait and aspect.
  7. Relative Comparison: The results show where an individual stands in comparison to other test-takers, offering a relative understanding of one’s personality.
  8. Co-Developed: Dr. Jordan Peterson developed the “Understand Myself” program in collaboration with Dr. Colin DeYoung.
  9. Recommendations: Along with the test results, participants receive advice and recommendations tailored to their personality traits.
  10. Secure and Confidential: The program emphasizes user data confidentiality, ensuring that individual responses remain private.
  11. Educational Discounts: Students can avail of special pricing for the assessment.
  12. Pairwise Comparisons: For those looking to understand relationships, the test offers a “pairwise comparison” feature to compare two individual results.
  13. Evolving Algorithms: The scoring system undergoes periodic refinements based on ongoing research and data collection.
  14. Self-Awareness Tool: Many users have lauded the assessment for enhancing their self-awareness and understanding of their behaviors.
  15. Application in Therapy: Some therapists use the “Understand Myself” assessment as a tool to better comprehend their clients’ personalities.
  16. Accuracy: The test claims high accuracy, with many users reporting that the results resonated strongly with their self-perception.
  17. Duration: Completing the assessment typically takes around 15 minutes.
  18. In-depth Questions: The test includes a range of nuanced questions to capture the complexity of human personality.
  19. Psychological Foundations: The assessment draws from key psychological theories, ensuring its scientific validity.
  20. Media Coverage: “Understand Myself” has been discussed in various podcasts, interviews, and media features.
  21. For Everyone: The test is designed for both those familiar and unfamiliar with psychology, offering insights that are in-depth yet understandable.
  22. Continuous Learning: The team behind the program emphasizes the importance of continued learning and regularly updates the test based on new findings.
  23. Endorsements: Many psychologists and professionals have endorsed the test for its depth and accuracy.
  24. Global Benchmark: Since participants hail from around the world, the test offers a global benchmark for personality traits.
  25. Roots in Clinical Psychology: Dr. Peterson’s extensive background in clinical psychology ensures the test is both scientifically rigorous and applicable to real-world situations.

The “Understand Myself” program stands out in the crowded space of personality assessments. Its rigorous scientific foundations, combined with the accessibility of an online platform, make it a go-to for anyone seeking deeper self-knowledge. As the quest for understanding the human psyche continues, tools like “Understand Myself” play an invaluable role in shining a light on the intricate maze of human personality.

The life, work, and message of Jordan B. Peterson are rich and complex. His ideas continue to influence and provoke thought, making him one of the most intriguing intellectual figures of the 21st century.

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan