If you think you have tried everything to lose weight and nothing is working, you probably haven’t tried consistently using positive affirmations. The fact that people can reshape their reality with positive thinking is an idea supported by research. It’s possible to boost motivation and self-confidence with this regular practice, and applying it to weight loss can be the secret you might needed to finally reach your fitness goals. 

So, here is a list of 101 positive affirmations for weight loss you can use to get to your fitness goals:

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss
Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

1. I don’t aim for perfection, I aim for improvement. 
2. I accept my body shape and recognize its beauty. 
3. I eat for nurture and avoid foods that don’t have nutritional value. 
4. I decide to eat clean and mindfully. 
5. I am a naturally active person. 
6. My body yearns for exercise every day. 
7. I see the benefits that healthy weight loss can bring into my life. 
8. The time to make a change is now. 
9. I let go of any guilty associated with food. 
10. I let go of any guilty associated with lack of motivation. 

More affirmations: Your Personal List of 101 Positive Affirmations For Every Day

11. I understand I am a human being and I can’t always be on track. 
12. I aspire to be healthier and more active today than I was yesterday. 
13. I acknowledge my greatness and my power. 
14. I am becoming more loving towards my body. 
15. I am becoming a healthier version of myself. 
16. I’m loving myself unconditionally. 
17. I love my appearance just the way it is. 
18. I understand that my imperfections make me uniquely me. 
19. I’m becoming happier being me. 
20. I’m more comfortable in my body now. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Teens

21. I’m beginning to fall in love with every aspect of my body. 
22. I recognize my true beauty shining through when I look at the mirror. 
23. The new image I’m creating of myself is gorgeous. 
24. I’m completely letting go of toxic comparison. 
25. I understand that other people’s beauty does not negate my own. 
26. There is no one in this world to who I can compare myself. 
27. I’m letting go of self-loathing and feelings of jealousy. 
28. This journey is making me mentally stronger. 
29. I am fit and energized. 
30. I’m building discipline. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Money Affirmations

31. No one can take my confidence away without my consent. 
32. Other people’s opinion on my appearance does not concern me. 
33. I have the power to grow from malicious comments. 
34. People who try to demotivate me do not deserve to be in my life. 
35. I’m choosing healthier options for my mind and body. 
36. I’m drinking more water. 
37. I’m moving my body more. 
38. I’m finding the type of exercise I love to do, and I’m doing it. 
39. I’m feeling better in my own skin. 
40. I’m manifesting my dream body. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

41. I’m losing weight. 
42. I’m seeing positive results every day. 
43. I’m choosing to trust the process. 
44. Even if I don’t see immediate results, I choose to keep going. 
45. I trust myself to go after my fitness goals. 
46. I’m slowly becoming the healthy person I’m supposed to be. 
47. I gravitate towards those who share my positive habits. 
48. I use my positive mindset and experience to help others in similar situations. 
49. I’m not perfect, nor do I want to be perfect. 
50. I’m wonderful just the way I am. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Healing

51. I was born in the body that I was meant to have. 
52. I’m becoming more loving towards myself and others. 
53. I allow a positive wave to wash away all of my insecurities. 
54. I don’t need to change my appearance to deserve respect.
55. I’m seeing the positive attributes of the physique I already have. 
56. I fully accept that I already am beautiful and valuable. 
57. I love every part of how I look no matter what. 
58. I’m releasing my self-judgment. 
59. I’m releasing the need to carry extra weight. 
60. I’m releasing all self-loathing thought patterns. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing

61. I am not lazy, I am not undisciplined. I am strong and determined. 
62. It’s safe to have fitness goals and to go after them. 
63. All of my cells and muscles support me and keep me alive. 
64. My body is not just appearance, it’s an intrinsic system that I’m grateful for. 
65. I want to be all I can be. 
66. I deserve to be at a healthy weight. 
67. It’s safe for me to invest in my body and health. 
68. I’m worthy of positive change. 
69. I deserve to look and feel gorgeous.
70. I deserve to be happy at any size. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss
Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

71. I deserve to be at peace with my body. 
72. Confidence is something that flows naturally to me. 
73. I will invest my time in quality self-care. 
74. I’m allowing the power of self-love to transform me. 
75. I’m transformed through confidence and wellbeing. 
76. I’m connecting to my body and noticing how it feels. 
77. I’m taking loving care of my body above all else. 
78. I’m living the life that allows me to be in a healthy state. 
79. I’m sleeping well and sufficiently. 
80. I’m resting and recharging for the next day. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Men

81. I’m cutting out bad healthy habits that set me back in my journey. 
82. I’m guiding myself, and therefore I’m never truly lost. 
83. I’m eating a diverse food range that makes my body flourish. 
84. I’m aware of each food that is best for me, and I love choosing them. 
85. I’m eating a balanced quantity of food. 
86. I’m satisfied with the food I am eating. 
87. I’m centered with my body so I can meet my needs.
88. I am filled with energy and vitality every day. 
89. I’m allowing my body to renew and revitalize as I rest. 
90. My body is a miraculous system. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Women

91. I trust myself to make the right choices for my health. 
92. I’m aligned with my higher self. 
93. I can conquer my impulsive nature to create self-control. 
94. I’m forgiving myself for all of the times I’ve tried to lose weight and failed.
95. I’m constantly surprising myself with my progress and determination.
96. I’m noticing improvements in my physical performance. 
97. I’m physically strong and mentally unshakable. 
98. I’m full of life. 
99. Each time I resist temptation I become more resilient. 
100. Every time I workout I fill my body and soul with bright energy. 
101. I’m having fun on my fitness journey.

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self-Esteem

One of the most important aspects of losing weight the healthy way is being realistic with your goals. This is essential to avoid the development of eating disorders and diet ‘Yo-Yo’ effect. If you’d like to make these affirmations more effective, make sure to practice them for a few minutes before your workout sessions and after you’re done swating it out. This can help your brain associate health and exercise with positivity and self-love, which will make you more likely to continue exercising. 

Author Voicu Mihnea

More posts by Voicu Mihnea

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