People have a way of repeating and assuring negative thoughts about themselves routinely. If someone doesn’t like us, we tell ourselves there is something wrong with our personality or our looks. If we get bad grades, we think we must not be smart or talented enough. This bad habit destroys one’s self-confidence little by little. In order to recover from low self-esteem, practicing positive affirmations is a must. 

Here is a list of 101 powerful affirmations for self-esteem you can practice daily:

positive affirmations for self-esteem
Positive affirmations for self-esteem

1. I have a positive and healing effect on others. 
2. I am doing a great job. 
3. I deserve the compliments I receive. 
4. I am worthy of kind words and thoughts. 
5. Being too self-critical won’t get me what I want. 
6. Most people don’t criticize me as harshly as I do.
7. There’s nothing I need to change in order to be accepted. 
8. I’m in love with who I am. 
9. Having confidence isn’t arrogant, it’s an act of self-love. 
10. I’m a great addition to my friend group. 

More affirmations: Your Personal List of 101 Positive Affirmations For Every Day

11. My friends and loved ones appreciate having me around. 
12. Having self-esteem is a process. 
13. I will practice loving myself every day. 
14. A lot of people look up to me. 
15. A lot of people want what I have. 
16. I’m grateful for my body and everything it does for me. 
17. My mind keeps me strong in tough times. 
18. I have patience with myself when I make mistakes. 
19. I trust myself to choose the right path. 
20. I can help others without forgetting self-care. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Teens

21. I will stay away from people who are detrimental to my mental health. 
22. I’m grounded, supported, and deeply loved. 
23. My body is beautiful and it’s my job to take care of it. 
24. I radiate self-esteem wherever I go. 
25. Some people will bring my confidence down to raise theirs. 
26. What people say about me is more about themselves.
27. If I work hard and have patience, blessings will find my way. 
28. Many people admire me. 
29. I am growing in my profession each day. 
30. Having self-esteem will attract a healthy relationship. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Money Affirmations

31. My life is a miracle, I belong in this world. 
32. There is a place on earth only I can take. 
33. I know how to appreciate all of the blessings in my life. 
34. I may be broken now, but my wounds are healing more with each breath I take.
35. I don’t have to feel good all the time to be strong. 
36. I’m courageous enough to ask for help when I need it. 
37. I can stand up for myself and others. 
38. I can recognize when I’m wrong without being harsh with myself. 
39. I see the value of making mistakes. 
40. No one gets it right the first time. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Self Love

41. If I send positive energy to the universe, it will eventually come back to me.
42. Each day I get more aware of my beauty and value. 
43. I am confident to express my true self. 
44. Today I will do things that will make my future self proud. 
45. Putting too much pressure on myself is not going to help me get there. 
46. My mental health matters more than any job or relationship. 
47. My main job is taking care of myself. 
48. I know I can change my world. 
49. I will let go of negative habits that hold me back. 
50. I will let go of negative people that hold me back. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Healing

51. I’m so proud of all I’ve done today. 
52. Every day I prove my negative thoughts wrong. 
53. I don’t have to prove my value to anyone. 
54. I shouldn’t have to fight for respect. 
55. I have the right to ask for my needs at work and home. 
56. My opinion deserves to be heard. 
57. I’m cultivating a positive mindset. 
58. My past hurts have made me wiser. 
59. I love my outer and inner beauty.
60. I have a lot to say and deserve to be heard. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing

positive affirmations for self-esteem
Positive affirmations for self-esteem

61. I will visualize what my life would be like without self-doubt, and work towards that. 
62. There’s nobody else with the same skills and purpose as me. 
63. I deserve to be paid well for my work. 
64. I am worthy of respect and love.
65. I am a channel for positivity and determination.
66. There is absolutely nothing out of my reach. 
67. The love I give myself is reflected everywhere I go. 
68. My self-confidence attracts wonderful things into my life. 
69. I treat myself like I would a dear friend. 
70. I will focus on directing kind thoughts to myself. 

More affirmations:  101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

71. I am whole and complete by myself. 
72. I admire my ability to be happy alone. 
73. Everything I’ve worked for is about to pay off. 
74. I’m a hard worker and a capable person. 
75. Nothing is stronger than my belief in me. 
76. I love seeing my reflection in the mirror. 
77. I treat myself with respect and honor. 
78. I’m creative and capable of adapting. 
79. I’m sure of what I want, and won’t stop until I get there.
80. I got this. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Men

81. I can flow like a river. 
82. I’m intelligent and accomplished.
83. Other people won’t get to me with negative comments. 
84. I have boundaries to ensure my happiness and health. 
85. I’m exactly where I need to be. 
86. I can feel myself walking on the right path. 
87. Patience is a virtue I owe myself. 
88. I naturally feel good about myself. 
89. I don’t feel the need to change my looks. 
90. There is no one else more beautiful than me. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Women

91. I’m blessed to be born in this body. 
92. I will be grateful for what I have and work towards what I don’t have yet. 
93. Creativity and creation flow through me. 
94. I can choose to be a channel for positivity.
95. I’m socially confident and outgoing. 
96. I’m interesting and smart. 
97. I’m light and I create light. 
98. I deserve to take advantage of all the beautiful things in life. 
99. I won’t blind myself to the blessing of living. 
100. I take care of myself like I would a loved one. 
101. I’m overfilled with joy. 

More affirmations: 101 Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

You can always pair positive repetitions with other healthy habits such as meditation and exercise, which can make wonders to your self-perception. Taking care of yourself must be your top priority, so make sure to dedicate a few minutes a day to positive affirmations. And, remember that building self-esteem can take time, but you’re on the right path.

Author Voicu Mihnea

More posts by Voicu Mihnea

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