Do Visible Tattoos Affect Your Job Prospects?

Guest post by Tess Young

Tattoos are very popular nowadays, for a variety of reasons. Some people see them as a symbol of rebellion. Others may see them as a way of remembering or marking out a particularly difficult or significant time in one’s life. If you are thinking of getting a tattoo for yourself, you will need to take a step back and see what kind of implications it will have. A lot of people will get tattoos when they are very young, and may sometimes regret the decision later on in life. Before you decide to create a design and put it on your body, it is a good idea to consider your job prospects.


Visible Tattoos

Visible tattoos are those that you cannot hide. These are usually tattoos that are visible on the hands, the face or the neck. Some people will tattoos on their arms. When it comes to job prospects, it really is going to depend on the job. In a lot of high-powered jobs, especially in the world of business, visible tattoos are generally frowned upon. Of course, this does not mean that you can’t get away with it if you work in a restaurant or in a store. It all depends on the general atmosphere of the place and what sort of clientele you tend to work with.


In the world of businesses, as stated before, tattoos are generally frowned upon. This is why many people who work in offices and in other similar jobs will get tattoos where they can easily be hidden. These can include tattoos on a person’s back, as well as on their arms. Tattoos on the arms can easily be covered up by a pair of long sleeves. Tattoos on the neck can also be covered up to an extent. If you happen to have long hair, then this is going to help you to further hide your tattoos. There are a number of different things that you can use in order to ensure that your tattoos are covered, at least during the interview stage of your job.


Working in a high-end restaurant, in hospitality or dealing frequently with customers may be hampered by your tattoos, if they are visible. A lot of hotels jobs will require their workers to be presentable. In cases like this, it can often mean that even earrings and piercings are not going to be allowed. The important thing to do here is to make sure that you are well-presented.
It is entirely up to you to determine whether or not you should get a tattoo or a piercing. In most cases, these can be easily hidden. Before you decide to get one, however, make sure that you will be able to wear these in a discreet manner. This is of course unless you have a job where such things are often encouraged, such as that of an artist, musician or tattoo expert.

About the Author: Tess Young is a freelance writer and blogger. She writes on a variety of topics, including health, home, travel and gardening. She also writes for The Tattoo Shop and Tattoo Kits.

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Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan