1. “People worship what they fear, hoping to control it.” (Michael Crichton, Congo)
2. “He has never grasped that the average mind when it encounters something new is scared, and says: “Better smash it, or suppress it, quick.” (John Wyndham, The Kraken Wakes)
3. “Fear! – the legacy of the Wild which no animal may escape nor exchange for pottage.” (Jack London, White Fang)
4. “… for the unknown was one of the chief elements that went into the making of fear.” (Jack London, White Fang)
5. “But fear was accompanied by another instinct – that of concealment.” (Jack London, White Fang)
6. “A person with fever perceives the passage of time with morbid exactness.” (Yukio Mishima, Confessions of a Mask)
7. “[Fiction is] the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour… conveyed to the world in the best chosen language.” (Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey)
8. “A fact is better left to fiction.” (Edward Albee, The Zoo Story)
9. “… are you one of these people who has all the qualities of a dog except fidelity?” (Paul Theroux, My Other Life)
Field Agents
10. “The NSA’s field agents were nothing more than mythical ghosts, capable of being erased from history by the press of a single button.” (Matthew Trifan, The Road to Redemption)