10 Quotes a Day: Anger, Answers


1. “But anger made one stronger. Anger made one inviolable. Anger prepared one to face things better.” (Anita Nair, Ladies Coupe)

2. “Anger might die down by the change of a couple of seasons.” (Virginia Hamilton, The House of Dies Drear)

3. “… repressed anger or sadness can’t be repressed forever.” (Don Tate, Wounded Men)

4. “People these days think it’s a sign of wisdom and character to be able to control their anger, but I say they’re foolish. I hate seeing the young so restrained, so proper.” (Eiji Yoshikawa, Musashi – Book One: The Way of the Samurai)

5. “A real man’s anger is an expression of moral indignation. Anger over petty emotional trifles is for women, not men.” (Eiji Yoshikawa, Musashi – Book One: The Way of the Samurai)

6. “It was not well to drive men into final corners; at those moments they could all develop teeth and claws.” (Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage)


7. “Sometimes we search the world for answers that are right in front of us.” (Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle – motion picture)

8. “Not all questions can have answers to be said out loud.” (Virginia Hamilton, The House of Dies Drear)

9. “We live by question and answer, but we do not know the reply to anything until a puzzled comrade bothers us and initiates that divine curiosity which both humbles and uplifts us.” (James Stephens, Three Heavy Husbands)

10. “You would be amazed what you can find out if you know where to look.” (Eric Douglas, Going Down with the Ship)

Author V.M. Simandan

is a Beijing-based Romanian positive psychology counsellor and former competitive archer

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V.M. Simandan